About Me
Hi there,
Welcome to my life! I'm Agustin Fernandez, a makeup artist who for the past 12 years has been dedicated to teaching people to love, empower and take care of themselves, through the art of makeup, skin care and self-esteem.
I started working very young in a beauty salon, doing essential services like washing hair and making coffee for clients before becoming who you know today and one of the greatest makeup artists in Brazil.
Twelve years is almost half of my life, enough time to acquire the experience and knowledge that I apply today in the creation of my products so that they can solve your problems, beautifying you even more and raising your self-esteem.
I am very happy and thankful to God to be able announce that you can now buy my products from anywhere in the world! They are being distributed straight from Florida and you can receive them within the United States in up to 3 days and in the rest of the world in up to 15 days.
These are high quality, high performance cosmetics, with extraordinary results and made with all my love for you.
Welcome to my life, my world. Enjoy your purchases and don’t forget to tag me on all social medias when you receive them 😍